God does not dwell in the man made houses, but he is closer to those who are broken hearted and of contrite spirit. He is with the lowly and humble in heart. But human needs a place for worship. The believers of interior villages of Andhra pradesh, India has the maximum need for a church building.

On September 24th, 2012, the team from Vijayawada and the team from Australia, led by Ps Peter had inaugurated worship halls in two villages called Koduru and A Konduru. ‘A Konduru’ village is highly inhabited by the people of Banjara tribes. They were in ‘must need’ of such a shelter. Earlier it was very difficult for them to gather together in rainy season and in summer. It was the same situation in Koduru village but now having their own worship is a great blessing to them.

Both Benjamine and Vijayarao and their churches expressed their heart felt thanks to the CLC Numbucca Valley and Stuart Point church for their kind contributions and generous giving towards the completion of these construction projects. You can also participate in such life enhancing and construction projects.
Your Every Little giving is a great investment in to the Kingdom of God and you will never regret that you did it.
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